We stayed in the hospital with Bryce for 2 nights and had some friends and family visit us. On the first day we had both Grandma's, Auntie Kerstin, Uncle Ryan, Cousin Dresden and his big sister Sierra all come over and welcome our newest addition!
On the second day we had some friends stop by as well as family. Mira and and Janna from my work started out the showing, then my Mom came by and brought her long time friend Jim. After that my boss Tony stopped in to make sure I wasn't fibbing on the whole maternity leave thing and that I really had a baby (just kidding). To end the day we had Grandma JoAnn, Sierra, Auntie Kerstin, and Cousin Dresden. It was a wonderful day and so nice to see my work buddies again. I also thoroughly enjoy watching Sierra interact with Bryce. She can't stop giving him kisses!
On the third day we pretty much packed our stuff and had visits with doctors to make sure we were in the clear to be released. As usual for babies he was born at 7 lbs 5 ounces but lost weight in the hospital and was down to 6 lbs 12 ounces but that was not low enough for them to be worried.
Here are some pictures from our stay:
Official first weighing.
Just after he got cleaned off in operating room.
Acting camera shy. It was pretty bright in operating room.
Meeting Grandma Meredyth for the 1st time
Auntie Kerstin and Bryce
Uncle Ryan sharing bad habits with his son Dresden. Toasting on our honor!
Grandma JoAnn gets to meet the new bundle of joy.
Girls just having fun!
All my little babes!
Aarestad family plus 1
Mira came to see the new munchkin that she would be obsessed with. She LOVES Sierra!
Janna has been hearing about Bryce from Day 1 of my pregnancy (both good and bad).
Group shot! Can I look anymore tired??
Even Tony came by to meet the lil'one!
One of many kisses Sierra has planted on her brother!
Peek a boo! Notice the bear that was given to Bryce.
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